So, day two of eating better/getting exercise. Did the gym at work again today, and started feeling “ouch” earlier than yesterday. Guessing this is just down to starting off. Still, did more than I did yesterday, so feel happy with that. No gym for the next three days, as work’s closed, so I’ll need to find some other exercise.
In other news, worth checking out this article at The Onion which was published yesterday (23rd August). The headline’s “Nation Celebrates Full Week Without Deadly Mass Shooting”, which was the usual kind of Onion take on the number of killing sprees in the US. Today (24th August), someone’s been on a killing spree at the Empire State Building. The Onion’s reaction?
“UPDATE: Never Mind”
Food diary/exercise log after the break.
Breakfast: cinnamon bagel, two 500ml Diet Coke, big cup of black coffee.
Lunch: veggie sausage toad in the hole and peas at work.
Supper: Tesco’s basil, cheese and tomato pasta. Bavaria Wit non-alcoholic beer.
Treadmill: 2.02km in 14:35 minutes. Machine reports 142 KCal.
Bike: 5km in 10:23 minutes. Machine reports 136 KCal.
Cross Trainer: 2.0km in 10:00 minutes. Machine reports 108 KCal.
Rower: 2km in 9:30 minutes. Machine didn’t give me KCal.
Weight right now is 185.6lbs, giving a BMI of 26.1. Oddly enough, that’s a 1.4lbs less than last night…?
Dude, it’s dinner. Only the royal family have ‘supper’. How many times do I have to tell you
You’ll take my supper from my cold, dead hands.