Cornered and Ironclad tour, Stockholm to Gothenburg

Day 6, Stockholm to Gothenburg. “There’s something about Jonne”, lake, skating, lake.


We left Gabriel’s family flat pretty early, his Gran making sure that we had some breakfast and were generally okay. Stopped off to get some fast food, diesel, recreate video scenes, and to have a slash.


That’s when Jonne got into a bit of difficulty. I’m not going to put the picture in line here – you’ll have to click to view it. Essentially, it’s the scene at the start of There’s Something About Mary, the one where a zip gets a bit too close for comfort. The picture’s here, don’t click unless you really want to see Jonne’s penis trapped in a zip.

Anyhow, after a brief stop in Örebro to get some bits, and then at a lake between there and Gothenburg. Drove a hundred yards off the motorway, and we were at this incredible lake. Pure blue, an island in the middle, a beach, and trees all the way around. It’s the kind of place I don’t think we get in the UK, because British people would spoil it. Incredibly pristine. We did manage to hit a couple of people with the football by accident, and then I decided it was a really good idea to swim out to the island on an inflatable I’d brought. Nice and easy, just lie on your back, scull with the arms and skim on the top of the water. Got out there, and it was one of those peaceful things – nobody else on this little rock island in the middle of a lake.

Only problem was trying to get back, skimming out was fine, skimming back is more difficult when the wind gets up against you. Gave up on trying to make it back to the beach, and instead made for the nearest shore. Ran round the lake barefoot, in my trunks, and carrying a four or five foot luminous green inflatable swimming chair. Through the woods, through people’s gardens (including behind one elderly couple sitting by the lake), and then along the hard shoulder of the motorway after getting lost. Not a good situation. Got back, changed, and quickly off towards Gothenburg.


Gig that night was at a youth hut in a park, with a skate park next door. Once the gear was in, case of people having a bit of a skate (some of these photos are Tom’s).


I was a bit knackered and had a kip in my hammock outside the venue while the bands played. Then someone mentioned that we could go to a lake after the gig, with a 10m diving platform. Again, jumped at the chance. Quick crew shots, and off we went, with Jonne making friendly faces at the natives.


Again, the lake was an incredible place. There’s not much more I can say that I haven’t said about the others, but it’s amazing to go swimming somewhere that clean and beautiful. Took us a while to get there, but it was worth it. Some of the guys went off the top board, I didn’t. Fear of heights got hold of me.


After this, we drove back into Gothenburg itself to sleeping places. Three of us were staying at one flat, three of us at another, and two were going to have to sleep in the van. Bit of a result though, and they were able to go off to someone else’s flat. Dropped off the three at the first flat, and then took a roundabout way to the place we were staying. Checked with the guy if anyone needed to stay with the van, parked it up in front of the flats next to a Swedish one with the back doors facing the road. One of the best days I’ve had.

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