Round up of a few links.
The Register – Possibly the worst excuse for having 1,000 child porn images on your computer.
Wired – geeky before technology with a giant model railroad.
The Daily Mail – The Mail hires two security experts and gets them an ID card to play with. Card is cloned in 12 minutes, the Home Office’s response to being told that they have changed the data on the card is “We are satisfied the personal data on the chip cannot be changed or modified and there is no evidence this has happened.”
The Ford Pinot memo – one of the worst cases of figures ruling reality. The 1968 memo where Ford decided that it was better to pay out on 180 people burning to death, rather than spend money modifying a fault in a car.
SemiAccurate – it’s possible to install a keylogger on an Apple keyboard.
The Daily WTF – why the customer is not always right.
New York Times – graphing the daily habits of various Americans.