Round up of short links from the last day.
Glenn Feron – The Art Of Retouching – portfolio of before and after shots from his retouching. Or, as it appears you could call it – make-the-tits-biggering. Via this post at PhotoshopDisasters, which has an amazing example that appears to have vanished from the portfolio.
Phil Schiller’s response to Apple’s app store criticism at Daring Fireball – apparently Apple did not censor a dictionary over swearwords, Phil Schiller explicitly states that they neither censored the content, nor rejected the app for including ‘common swear words’. Apparently it was rejected because it included ‘urban slang’, and not because it included words like ‘shit’, ‘fuck’, and ‘cunt’. Shame the app store reviewer sent screenshots of those three with the ‘objectionable content’ rejection, rather than some of this ‘urban slang’. What the hell is ‘urban slang’ anyway?
Coding Horror – how not to advertise on the internet – a chronological display of Evony’s advertising on the internet. Make sure you get all the way to the bottom for the ultimate in “oh dear…”. Worth noting that Evony is a game ‘inspired’ by Civilization, and raises the question ‘Has Evony become the most despised game on the web?’ in The Guardian.
New York Review of Books – The News About The Internet – a well written piece by Michael Massing exploring the relationship between traditional news organisations and the internet. Talks about how the traditional media may need to adapt in a world where free content has become the standard, and where the ‘blogosphere’ can excel. My personal opinion is that there needs to be a re-evaluation of people”s relationships with news media – that a subscription payment is a sign that you support that organisation’s ability to do detailed investigations and the like, rather than you’re paying for access to a re-wording of press releases.
Saving Advice – A burglar’s advice on where to hide valuables – an interesting conversation relayed. Made me realise that hiding everything may be a very bad idea.