Trashfest Trip: YHA Tanner’s Hatch

Another year, another trip to Trashfest in Holland. Fifth year now, and it’s one of the things that makes the summer to me. This year around, I had four other people in the car – Dan and Andy from up North, and Matt and Addy from Basingstoke. Seeing as everyone was from disparate parts of the the UK, decision was made to find somewhere to stay the night before the ferry, so that we could make an early start. Had a look online for somewhere cheap, and closish to Dover – and we found Tanner’s Hatch Youth Hostel. Booked up, and spoke to the wonderfully helpful warden for directions.

After Addy and Matt got to mine, we drove up to Kingston to get the two Northerners, got some food and then drove down to park near the hostel. Turned out the direction to ‘walk down the path through the woods’ was quite accurate. Here‘s where the car park is, here‘s where the hostel is! If you’re staying, I’d heartily recommend arriving there in the daytime, rather than once it’d dark like we did. Not really the smartest route to take with one failing torch and a general uncertainty about if you’ve taken the right turnings or not. Anyhow, once we got there had a bit of food and a few drinks, and headed upstairs to bed. Early start in the morning and realised how awesome the setting was.



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