Back in March Ninebar had three shows booked in Europe – Paris, Tournai and Tilburg. Bit of confusion around vans, driving licences and the like, and Matty needed to find someone to drive a 9 seat minibus. Decided it was a good idea to do it, and booked the Friday and Monday off work. Friday morning, Matty gets out to Surrey, we get the van and head into London to pick up the rest. Hit shitty traffic on the A2 coming out of London, and so it’s a case of flooring it on the way to Dover (categorically not doing 100mph odd for most of the motorway). Pull into Dover with about 10 minutes to go till the ferry…
Then we find out we needed to be there half an hour earlier. Later ferry it is then.
Getting this puts back all our timings, so it’s more flooring it when we hit France. Traffic jam behind a woman on a stretcher slows us down when we get to Paris, and then there’s the traditional nightmare in finding a venue – which turns out to be on a boat reached via a slip road beside the river Seine in the the centre of Paris. Get there as TRC are playing, and park the van up.
Here’s what the area looked like.
Here’s some pictures of Ninebar’s set.
And the obligatory crew shots.
Amazingly, the promoter had booked Hotel Etap rooms with enough beds for everyone. Some people head out, the three in my room stay in and get some kip.
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