An unplanned stop in Nuremberg while on tour with The Lion And The Wolf and Jimmy Broomfield. 26th August 2014.
Best laid plans of mice and men. The day we have the longest drive is the day that the car has problems. Annoying. Avoiding focusing on the personally negative, we did get to visit Nuremberg. It’s a mixture of fascinating and depressing, but I’d heartily recommend going if you get the chance. The Zeppelinfield has a football field in the middle, and the review stand is a state of decay. Tom spent time trying to arrange a place to stay on short notice, and myself and Jimmy visited the Documentation Centre museum.
After the car got sorted we left Nuremberg, stopped at Ikea to replace the pillows Tom and Jimmy had left in Leutkirch, and headed to Wurzburg to stop with a friend of a friend called Benny. Got to Benny’s, and had a bit of polite too and fro with Benny politely asking if we wanted to go out to a club, and us politely saying that we couldn’t possibly take him out on a work night, before figuring out Benny WANTED to go out. So Benny took us out to a club called Labyrinth, with a bat on the sign. This involved a lot of drinking by the other three, a lot of shouting of “DO YOU LIKE EASTENDERS?” by Tom, Jimmy headbanging off his glasses and dancing to bad metal music. Benny is a good man. We got back to his at about 3am, Jimmy got stuck on a door handle, and Tom couldn’t figure out how to make a pillow case work before falling asleep.
More photos after break.
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